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If you made it to this page, you’ve probably heard of (and maybe even are already convinced of) the incredible returns businesses get from their email subscribers. And the truth is email lists provide the single highest return of all unpaid marketing — this is a wildly amazing and exciting concept for us business owners becuase it means we have a great opportunity.


The beauty of an email list is you have people who have actually chosen to engage with you and who want to hear from you! Now, it’s up to you to provide them with value. This guide was uniquely designed by me to give you the step by step process to identify, create, and then provide that value for your email subscribers.


When I work with clients 1 on 1 to develop their email strategies and then create incredible emails that encourage action, we are typically working closely together for a few weeks over main meetings. We create templates and campaigns and run tests. We also assess the metrics of every test and then I set my clients off running with an energized email plan. I took the outline of all the work I do with clients 1-on-1 and dropped it into this efficient and organized DIY Email Guide.


This guide is for anyone who prefers to do the work on their own or who needs a base of knowledge to get started owning and optimizing their emails. Emails to your subscribers should be fun and engaging and you should enjoy writing them becuase it is a chance to talk with an interested audience. These are your people because they have chosen to be your people! So give them your best and use this guide to help you make sure you do just that.


Within these pages you will get

  • Email best practices,

  • Campaign creation tools,

  • Individual email creation tools

  • Multiple templates


All of the materials in this guide will help you build the most effective emails by using proven email marketing strategies and tactics.

Email Marketing Guide - Everything You Need

Excluding Sales Tax
  • This material was created by Julianna Francesca Nunnenkamp for sale by The Business of Marketing only. It is the intellectual property of BOM and Julianna Francesca LLC and is intended to provide guidance to the purchaser. The resale or distribution of this product is not permitted and will constitute theft of property and will be dealt with pursuant to the laws of Virginia. Lastly, this material in no way guarantees any business outcome. The purchaser maintains full responsibility and liability for all aspects of their business. By downloading this tool, the purchaser agrees to these terms.

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